Achieve your goals

Shape Your Own Life

Welcome to my site! My name is Tanya. My mission is to inspire and help people who want to shape their own life.

I help people who want to work from home, people who are tired of the corporate rat race and people who want to live and travel to stop the overwhelm, take control of their life and go on their journey to the freedom lifestyle.

I reach out to people who have dreams they want to fulfill. Men and women who want to be in the drivers’ seat of their life. Who desire a happy and meaningful life in the way that suits them best.

During my corporate management career I experienced that I could motivate and inspire people, sometimes just simply by asking questions. Questions I also regularly ask myself, like:

  • Are you happy or just comfortable?
  • Are you using your potential or living on autopilot?
  • Are you working to get by or working on achieving your dreams?

I believe that life is a beautiful gift to all of us. We are all unique and possess wonderful talents and skills. Then how come so many of us feel like they have drifted away from their dreams? Like life ‘just happened’?

My mission is to help those who are willing to take action to become more intentional about their lives and actually shape the life of their dreams.

This website is meant to deliver you valuable content that you might find inspiring or useful for your personal and professional life. To that end, I write on intentional living, personal development and building the freedom lifestyle.

Key principles for a better life

I discovered three key principles for a better life:
1. Learn from the best
2. Overcome fear and limiting beliefs
3. Work hard

Learn from the best
You wouldn’t take guitar lessons from a pianist, would you? Find someone who has proven to be successful at that which you want to learn. Look what he or she does, in what manner and especially what mindset goes with it. Model after him or her and copy what fits with you, but make sure to stay true to yourself and implement it in your own way.

Overcome fear and limiting beliefs
We all like to see ourselves as rational and logical (I used to work in IT…), but most of our behavior is controlled by the subconscious. Fear of the unknown often hampers our efforts to change. Unwittingly, we carry limiting beliefs with us that prevent us from reaching our true potential. The first step is to become aware of this. The next step is to reprogram yourself to achieve the best you can. Be intentional.

Work hard
A rocket burns most fuel to lift off of the earth’s surface. There is no such thing as an ‘Instant Success Guaranteed’-button. Launching something new takes time and energy. It takes hard and consistent work to develop new skills.

Transform your life!

If the above resonates with you, message me and let’s chat!

Life is beautiful. Believe in yourself.

Would you like to have some practical tools and knowledge that might be helpful to make the best of your life, with more freedom, happiness and positivity? If your answer is yes, message me and I’ll send you my free ebook “Live intentionally, start now! How to live the life of your dreams” right away!

You can shape your own life!

© Shape Your Own Life